
A custom provider for strapi 4 to use ftp for the media library plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Strapi 4 FTP Provider

Strapi 4 FTP Provider is a plugin that allows you to upload files to an FTP server.


This plugin can be installed with the following command:

yarn add strapi4-ftp-provider


npm i strapi4-ftp-provider


After installing the plugin, you need to create a plugins.js file in the config directory if it doesn't already exist. This file should contain the following information:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  upload: {
    config: {
      provider: "strapi4-ftp-provider",
      providerOptions: {
        host: env("FTP_HOST"),
        port: env("FTP_PORT"),
        user: env("FTP_USER"),
        password: env("FTP_PASSWORD"),
        secure: env.bool("FTP_SECURE", false),
        path: env("FTP_BASE_PATH"),
        baseUrl: env("FTP_BASE_URL"),

You will also need to create a .env file with the following information (replace the values with your own FTP credentials):


Note that FTP_BASE_URL is the URL where your files will be publicly accessible, and FTP_BASE_PATH is the absolute path to the directory where your files will be uploaded on the server. Replace /path/to/strapi/installation with the actual path to your Strapi installation.

Maximum file size

Please note that you may need to adjust the maximum file size that can be uploaded. This can be done in the Strapi documentation: plugins/upload#max-file-size

It is also possible that the file size limit is determined by the configuration of your Nginx server: Increase-upload-limit-nginx


This plugin has been tested with Strapi v4.8.2 and Node.js v18.14.1.


This plugin is released under the MIT License.