
Platform support for AppBlade

AppBlade Platforms

AppBlade Platforms allow AppBlade to work across multiple platforms (iOS, BlackBerry, Android;) these libraries are responsible for inspecting packages, creating manifests, device identification, parsing crash reports, and more.


We have gotten a lot of interest in adding additional platforms, some of which don't have a business case yet. Interested parties could be encouraged by the open-source nature of our Platform support.

State of the Blade

  • iOS executables are well supported
  • Android is working rather well
  • BlackBerry is meh
  • Windows Mobile is a definite need
  • Windows Desktop and OSX Desktop are two emerging needs
  • We are getting requested about Symbian support

Work in progress

This is a work in progress, we are extracting these modules from AppBlade Core.


  1. Fork this project
  2. Modify the tests
  3. Add your changes
  4. Add any documentation
  5. Add any dependencies
  6. Send a pull request