
Contains utility types commonly used across other AppCore .NET projects.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

AppCore.NET Shared

Nuget MyGet

This repository includes projects, targeting .NET Framework and .NET Standard, containing utility types commonly used across other AppCore .NET projects.

All artifacts are licensed under the MIT license. You are free to use them in open-source or commercial projects as long as you keep the copyright notice intact when redistributing or otherwise reusing our artifacts.


Latest development packages can be found on MyGet.

The following packages are published as source NuGet packages, your application or library will not have a runtime dependency on them.

Package Description
AppCoreNet.Attributes.Sources Provides poly fills for .NET attributes.
AppCoreNet.Diagnostics.Sources Provides static classes to ensure program contracts.
AppCoreNet.TypeHelpers.Sources Includes extensions for Type and Assembly and a fast activator for types.


Contributions, whether you file an issue, fix some bug or implement a new feature, are highly appreciated. The whole user community will benefit from them.

Please refer to the Contribution guide.



This packages includes sources for attributes which are defined in newer .NET versions (>= .NET Core 3.0) such as attributes required for nullable reference types, attributes required for the required keyword and others.

If you are using the Polyfill or Nullable package these attributes are automatically disabled. You can control the inclusion of these attributes with the following MSBuild properties:

  • AppCoreNetAttributesEnabled Enables/disables all attributes.
  • AppCoreNetNullableAttributesEnabled Enables/disables the nullable attributes.
  • AppCoreNetTrimmingAttributesEnabled Enables/disables the trimming attributes.

For example:


Will disable all attributes.


This package includes sources of static classes to ensure program contracts such as pre-conditions, post-conditions and invariants.


Ensuring that some argument is not null:

public void SomeMethod(object obj)
    // this will throw 'ArgumentNullException' if 'obj' is null

Ensuring that some string argument is not null or empty/only whitespace:

public void SomeMethod(string str)
    // this will throw 'ArgumentNullException' or 'ArgumentException' if 'str' is null or empty

Ensuring that some value argument is in range:

public void SomeMethod(int val)
    // this will throw or 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException' if 'val' is < 0 || > 10
    Ensure.Arg.InRange(val, 0, 10);

Other pre-condition checks are available: Ensure.Arg.MinLength(), Ensure.Arg.MaxLength()

Note that the package also supports annotations for ReSharper. Simply add the package ReSharper.Annotations to your project.


Includes various extensions for the Type and Assembly classes to make your live easier when working with open generic types. Also provides a fast activator (factory) for dynamically instantiating types.

Getting friendly type name for display, supports generics:

class MyType<T> { }
typeof(MyType<>).GetDisplayName() // returns 'MyNamespace.MyType<T>'

Creating an instance of a type:

// creates an instance of 'MyType' with default constructor

// alternatively (if the Type is not known at compile time):

Checking if some type implements generic type:

class StringList : List<string> { }