
NuGet packaging for AppMetrics packages

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

App Metrics App Metrics Packaging

Official Site License

Latest Builds and Packages

Branch VSTS
dev BuildStatus
master BuildStatus
Package Dev Release Pre-Release Release
App.Metrics.Packaging MyGet Status NuGet Status NuGet Status


Add the following package reference to the csproj:

<PackageReference Include="App.Metrics.Packaging" Version="*" PrivateAssets="All" />

The package description defaults to the package id, so add the following project to provide a real description:

    <Description>{The package's description}</Description>

How to Build

./build.ps1 -Target Local

Package will be output to /.artifacts/packages/App.Metrics.Packaging.{Version}.nupkg


To version bump, edit the VersionPrefix and/or VersionSuffix in ./version.props

When on non-release branches the VersionSuffix will always be set to alpha with the build number appended.