CWOM Action List

This is the code for the CWOM demo shown at IMPACT. This is a custom web app built specifically to highlight CWOM and AppDynamics working together. As such, this is meant for demo purposes and the art of the possible. The demo is custom code and not an officially supported product of CWOM or Appdynamics.

When executing an action, it also removes the action but does not execute it since this code is meant for demo purposes. There is work being done to get this to a full fledged field integration that a customer could use. The idea is a customer could host this custom web app and this would be loaded into the AppDynamics UI via an Iframe. The code is distributed as is.

Does not currently work in Internet Explorer

Required Frameworks

  1. NodeJS v7 or above



  1. Download the latest release
  2. Change into the directory: cd CWOM-Action-Integration
  3. Download npm dependencies: npm install
  4. Create a config.json file in the root directory with the following :
	"cwom_config": {
		"turboserver": "",
		"username": "<username>",
		"password": "<password>"


If you copy the above default text, you can still run the node.js server. cwom_config is only required if you are connecting to a cwom instance. There is a demo page that can display fake actions if you do not have a cwom instance available. See Documentation section below.

  • localport: the port that the node.js server will be started on
  • https: use the https protocol
  • turboserver: url to the cwom instance
  • username: username of user that can pull actions via the API
  • password: password of user that can pull actions via the api
  1. Start node.js: npm start
  2. Open browser to: http://localhost:3000


Example page with real action data: http://localhost:3000/views/examples/cwom.html?businessAppID=put_your_business_appid_here

The easiest way to find the business appid is to open up the CWOM instance, click on search, click business applications, click on your business application. The ID can be found in the URL.

Example page with fake action data for demo purposes (if you don't have a cwom instance to hook into): http://localhost:3000/views/examples/cwomMockData.html

AppDynamics Dashboard

If you want to display the custom web app along side a custom dashboard, an iframe component can be used pointed to the webapp. Make sure that Security Sandbox IFrame is unchecked when adding iframe component. The config file for the dashboard used at impact can be found in the root directory as business-impact-dashboard.json. Just import the file into your dashboard page and update the health rules and iframe to point to the correct location.