
Sample Application using the AppDynamics IoT C/C++ SDK

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This sample application uses IoT C/C++ SDK to fill and send sample IoT data (Custom, Network and Error Events) to AppDynamics Collector. Sample Data reflects a Smart Car Application capturing usage information, network performance and errors.


  1. Get EUM App Key
  2. Download IoT C/C++ SDK
  3. Expand the tarball (tar -xf <tarball.tar>) into sdk directory. This will create below directories:
    • include - header files
    • lib - sdk library
  4. Run the Sample App
  5. Confirm IoT Data is reported to Collector
  6. To Customize Instrumentation review Getting Started and SDK API docs

Run the Sample App

Set APPD_IOT_SDK_PATH environment variable to the directory sdk which has include and lib folders. Makefile reads APPD_IOT_SDK_PATH environment variable to include SDK headers and link SDK library to sample application.

$ export APPD_IOT_SDK_PATH=<sdk>
$ make

To dynamically link IoT C++ SDK library to your application running on Linux, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to lib directory of SDK.


To dynamically link IoT C++ SDK library to your application running on Mac, set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to lib directory of SDK.


Below is usage information for the sample app. Provide AppKey as an input along with any options as needed.

USAGE: ./sample <appkey> [options]
-collectorurl <url> Collector URL to which sdk will send events to.
-logfile <file>     Log file to which sdk log messages are written to.
-loglevel <level>   Log level set to one of the values:
                    1-error, 2-warn, 3-info, 4-debug, 5-verbose, 6-all.
-sendevent <event>  Sample event to be sent. Set to one of the following
                    event types: 1-custom, 2-network, 4-error, 7-all.
-url <url>          URL to trigger network request and capture network event.
-request <command>  Specify the request type to url. It is set to GET by default.
-data <data>        Data in JSON format that is to be sent in a POST request.
-help               Display available options

Below are the default values used by the sample app if above options are not given

collectorurl = https://iot-col.eum-appdynamics.com
logfile = appd_iot_sdk.log
loglevel = 6
sendevent = 7

Here are some examples of using the sample app:

Display Usage Information

$ ./sample -h

Send Sample Custom, Network, and Error Events to default APPD Collector (https://iot-col.eum-appdynamics.com)

$ ./sample <appkey>

Send Sample Custom, Network, and Error Events to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001)

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001

Send Sample Custom, Network, and Error Events to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001) and publish log messages to custom log file (mylog.log)

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001 -f mylog.log

Send Sample Custom, Network, and Error Events to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001) and publish log messages to mylog.log with loglevel set to warn

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001 -f mylog.log -l 2

Send Sample Custom Event to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001)

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001 -s 1

Send Sample Network Event to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001)

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001 -s 2

Trigger POST Network Request to URL (http://yoururl.com) with data in JSON format. Capture and Send Network Event to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001)

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001 -s 2 -u http://yoururl.com -x POST -d '{"param1"="value1"}'

Send Sample Error Event to Custom Collector (http://localhost:9001)

$  ./sample <appkey> -c http://localhost:9001 -s 4