
Date Calculators for Business /FX, FX Rate Calculator and Utils

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status SonarQube SonarQube Reliability SonarQube Security GitHub license

Date Calc: Maven Central DateCalculator FX Calc: Maven Central DateCalculator Utils: Maven Central Utils Utils Excel: Maven Central Utils

Utils Report: Maven Central Utils UCITS Portfolio: Maven Central Utils

Quality Gate

ObjectLab Kit

  • Date Calculators (including new Currency Date Calculators for FX/Foreign Exchange), split in 3 jars:
    • for JDK < 1.8
    • for JDK 1.8 using LocalDate
    • for JODA using Joda LocalDate
  • FX Rate Calculators (including Cross currencies calculations and MonetaryAmount), requires JDK8
  • Utils: set of utilities like Pair, Triplet, Total and BigDecimal that can handle nulls! requires JDK8
  • Utils Excel: set of convenient classes to create an Excel Spreadsheet via POI easily.


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