
Newer version of 'Prerequisite-tree-dagreD3'

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Pre3 is a course management system that will help a academic institution to manage their courses, students, and faculty. It will also help students to plan their courses and track their progress.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️⚠️⚠️

To build this application, we relied on a variety of sources and references.
For a detailed list, please refer to the REFERENCES file.


Pre3 is playing with a role of user, No matter if you are a student, instructor, or admin. Pre3 will help you to manage your courses, students, and faculty.


Role is a key feature of Pre3. Each user will have a role. Role will help Pre3 to understand the user and provide the features accordingly.

NOTE Each role holds a set of permissions. Permissions are the key to access the features. and each role will not have rights to access the features which are not allowed by the permissions.

  • GUEST: A user who is not logged in.
  • ADMIN: A special user who can manage the whole system.
  • STUDENT: A user who is a student. They can manage their courses and track their learning progress and plan their courses with visual representation of the course tree.
  • Lecturer: A user who is an lecturer. They can manage their courses and students. They can also track the progress of their students.

Prerequisite Tree

Pre3 will provide a visual representation of the course tree. It will help students to plan their courses and track their progress.


Course Management

Pre3 will provide a feature to manage the courses. Admin can manage the courses and students. They can also track the progress of their students.




  1. Bootstrap 5 as a CSS framework
  2. JavaScript
  3. SB Admin 2 as a dashboard template


  1. Flask as a web framework
  2. DJango as a backend framework
  3. Jinja2 as a templating engine
  4. Gunicorn as a WSGI server
  5. PostgresSQL as a database
  6. SQLAlchemy as an ORM
  7. Flask-Login for user authentication
  8. Flask-WTF for form handling and validation
  9. SheetJS for handling the excel files and converting them into JSON


  1. Docker for containerization


  1. Google Sheets API for handling the course data
  2. Google SSO for user authentication



  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • Docker
  • Google Sheets API Key
  • Google SSO Key
  • PostgresSQL
  • Make


  1. Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:AppleBoiy/pre3.git
  1. build the docker image using Makefile
make build

This will build the docker image and create a container for the application.

localhost:56733 -> 80 is the port for the application
localhost:5432 -> 5432 is the port for the database
  1. Seed the database
make seed-d

This will seed the database with the initial data.



The application is running on the localhost:56733 and the database is running on the localhost:5432.

Set of commands

There are a set of commands that you can use to manage the application.

  • make build -> Build the docker image
    • make create-db -> Create the database
    • make seed-db -> Seed the database
    • make drop-db -> Drop the database
  • make remote-dk -> remote to the remote docker container
  • make remote-db -> remote to the remote database

and many more. you can check the Makefile for more commands.

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