Turn any iOS build into InternalUI build
- Download this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PbybHVf8Jf8WMQLTxI6D9c-iF5zs-mnW/view?usp=sharing
- And download InternalPreferences.framework
- Extract archives
- Move AppleInternal folder to /
- Move InternalPreferences.framework to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
- Open /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
- Add string with name "ReleaseType"
- Set string value to "Internal"
- Save plist file
- To make apps open run "sudo chmod -R 777 /AppleInternal"
- On iOS 15+ apps require to resign with ldid
Internal package is from build 17A508 (for TouchID iPhones, for X will be uploaded soon, on X you can use old one too)