Applied Statistics 2019 - Code Repository
This git is a repository of the code that will be used in the Applied Statistics code 2019 edition.
Getting Started
The following instructions will help you install the relevant software that will be used in the course.
Note that you have two options for installing and running the applied statistics notebooks. The first option involves running the code on ERDA, a KU-based server platform that has the advantage of having a uniform software environment for everyone. If you are not enrolled as a KU student, you should contact Troels to get access to the ERDA servers. The second option is to install everything on your laptop, using the anaconda environment as a standard set of python libraries.
We highly recommend that you use BOTH methods throughout the course. Having a local copy of the exercices can become very handy when the ERDA servers are down (for maintenance or other reasons).
Option A. Running things on ERDA
Option B. Running things on your laptop
If you want to run things on your local computer, you will have to install additional software to be able to properly run the notebooks.
Given the wide range of operating systems available out there, we cannot guarantee that the instructions above will work on all platforms. As of now, the instructions below have been tested on the following systems:
Option C. Manually downloading the course content
If you do not want to subscribe to github, you can still download manually the content of the repository using the donwload zip option on the main page of this git. More details are available here
Running things after installation
Once you have installed the required software and cloned the repository, you can run your notebooks, and update the content of the repository by following these instructions