A library built to provide support for defining service health for golang services. It allows you to register async health checks for your dependencies and the service itself, provides a health endpoint that exposes their status, and health metrics.
- 0
Add slog based logger
#59 opened by sagikazarmark - 5
Migrate to OpenTelemetry
#53 opened by mrsufgi - 6
Refactor tests to use jonboulle/clockwork
#34 opened by sagikazarmark - 0
Go code indentation is wrong in the readme
#45 opened by sagikazarmark - 3
API improvements
#26 opened by sagikazarmark - 7
Replace OpenCensus with a metrics interface
#24 opened by sagikazarmark - 2
Align to the golang package names standards
#9 opened by eranharel - 3
Soft Failure of Individual Health Checks
#23 opened by triwats - 5
Different probe types
#16 opened by weeco - 2
Allow hooking on health state change
#22 opened by dmarkhas - 9
Can't understand what is wrong in POST request
#20 opened by revverse - 2
Allow for one-shot cheks
#15 opened by MichaelMure - 0
- 4
Add a ping checker
#3 opened by sagikazarmark - 1
Add custom http headers
#4 opened by elizilbershtein