Instructions for AppsFlyer's Unity Sample App project:
Open the Sample App Project using Unity.
Inside "Sample" folder, open "StartUp.cs".
In "StartUp.cs", enter your AppsFlyer Dev Key inside the "init"/"setAppsFlyerKey" function, and your Package Name / AppID inside "setAppID" function" -
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class AppsFlyerObject : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
/* Mandatory - set your AppsFlyer’s Developer key. */
AppsFlyer.setAppsFlyerKey ("YOUR_APPSFLYER_DEV_KEY");
/* For detailed logging */
/* AppsFlyer.setIsDebug (true); */
/* Mandatory - set your apple app ID
NOTE: You should enter the number only and not the "ID" prefix */
AppsFlyer.setAppID ("YOUR_APP_ID_HERE");
AppsFlyer.trackAppLaunch ();
/* For getting the conversion data in Android, you need to add the "AppsFlyerTrackerCallbacks" listener.*/
AppsFlyer.init ("YOUR_APPSFLYER_DEV_KEY","AppsFlyerTrackerCallbacks");
Go to your AppsFlyer dashboard and add the app using the Package Name / App ID you configured in the code.
Create a custom tracking link from your AppsFlyer dashboard - More Information
Click the link on your device (Make sure to add &advertising_id="Your_Device_Google_Advertising_Id" for Android or &IDFA="Your_Device_IDFA" for iOS at the end of your tracking link). More Information
Install the App on your device. You should be seeing the Attribution result on the screen.
If you received the "Install Type: Non Organic" message on the app, you can go to your AppsFlyer dashboard and see the non-organic install there.
For a Non-Organic install - click the "Track Event" to track a custom purchase event. You can then see the revenue and event on your AppsFlyer dashboard.