
AppsFlyer's Unity 2D mobile game

Primary LanguageC#

Make It Your Own

1. Choose a custom package name(Android) or bundle identifier(iOS)

To run and test this project locally, you'll need to change the package name/bundle identifier of the Unity project.

2. Create apps on Appsflyer account

Go to your AppsFlyer account and create an iOS or Android app(or both). Learn more here.

3. Add your dev key to AppsFlyerObject

  • Change the Dev Key to your key.
  • If you are using an iOS app, add the App ID. Else, do not change it.

4. Create a test template and link

  • Create a OneLink template. Learn more here.
  • Create a new OneLink custom link.
  • In the new link:
    • Set the deep link value to your desired start level(use 1 for the first level or 2 for the second level).
    • Under the Additional Parameters section, add a custom parameter name deep_link_sub1 with the number of extra butterflies you want to gift the user.
    • Add another parameter name deep_link_sub2 and set it to the number of extra points you want to gift the user.

5. Associated Domains

  • Copy your template subdomain(with the extension .onelink.me).
  • For Android - paste it into the AndroidManifest.xml file android host. You can find it in Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml.
  • For iOS - add the subdomain to the associated domains in Xcode before runing the app. Learn more here.

6. User Invite(optional)

Copy your custom template ID and paste it in the Start() method of the AppsFlyerObjectScript object. You can find the script in Assets/AppsFlyer/AppsFlyerObjectScript.cs.

7. Build your app and run it on your device

We highly recommend running and testing your app on a real iOS or Android device(and not a simulated one).

8. Click your link, invite a friend and get the highest score!

  • Now that your app is running, click the link and see your DeepLink values under the Referral Bonuses window.
  • You can invite a friend using the Share button, and generate your own link.
  • Start playing our awesome game and share your highest score with friends.