AppsFlyer URL Resolver

The AppsFlyer URLResolver library is a simple tool to perform redirections of a URL and get a final URL from it.

Table of contents

Install the URLResolver library using Gradle.
Step 1: Declare repositories
In the Project build.gradle file, declare the mavenCentral repository:

 allprojects {  
      repositories {  

Step 2: Add dependency In the application build.gradle file, add the dependency to latest version of library:

   dependencies {  
      implementation 'com.appsflyer:appsflyer-url-resolver:1.0.0'

Swift Package Manger (SPM)

Step 1: Navigate to Add Package Dependency
In Xcode, go to File > Add Packages

Step 2: Add iOS SDK GitHub repository
Enter the AppsFlyer SDK GitHub repository:

Step 3: Select SDK version

Step 4: Add AppsFlyerURLResolver to desired Target


Step 1: Download CocoaPods
Download and install the latest version of CocoaPods.

Step 2: Add dependencies
Add the latest version of AppsFlyerURLResolver to your project's Podfile:

pod 'AppsFlyerURLResolver'

Step 3: Install dependencies
In your terminal, navigate to your project's root folder and run pod install.

Step 4: Open Xcode workspace
In Xcode, use the .xcworkspace file to open the project from this point forward, instead of the .xcodeproj file.


Step 1: Install Carthage
Install the latest version of Carthage.

Step 2: Add dependencies
Add the following line to your Cartfile :

github "AppsFlyerSDK/AppsFlyerURLResolver" ~> 1.0.0


Method signature

fun resolve(url: String?,maxRedirections: Int = 10, urlResolverListener: URLResolverListener)

Description Resolve a given URL. This function will perform redirects until it gets to the final URL or up to the maximum redirects. The function will return the last URL address.

  • null URL will return null.
  • An invalid URL will return the original input (passed in the url parameter).

Input arguments

Type Name Description
String? url The URL to resolve
Int maxRedirections The maximum redirections to relove. The default value is 10 Redirections
URLResolverListener urlResolverListener The listener for the output of the URL resolving


  override fun onDeepLinking(deepLinkResult: DeepLinkResult) {
        if (deepLinkResult.status == DeepLinkResult.Status.FOUND) {
            URLResolver().resolve(deepLinkResult.deepLink?.deepLinkValue, 5, object : URLResolverListener {
            override fun onComplete(url: String?) {
            	Log.d(TAG, "final URL: $url")


Method signature

fun fun resolveJSRedirection(url: String?, urlResolverListener: URLResolverListener) 

Use this API if you want to perform redirection based on JS (Hubspot). This api extracts the link from the JS code and returns it to the urlResolverListener callback for forther redirections.

  • null URL will return null.
  • An invalid URL will return the original input (passed in the url parameter).

Input arguments

Type Name Description
String? url The URL to resolve
URLResolverListener urlResolverListener The listener for the output of the URL resolving


    Log.d(TAG, "The URL is: $it")


Method signature

resolve(url: String?, maxRedirections: Int  =  10 , completionHandler: @escaping (String?) ->  Void)

Description Resolve a given URL. This function will perform redirects until to final URL or up to the maximum redirects. The function will return the last URL address using the completion handler.

  • nil URL will return nil.
  • Not a vailid URL will return the input to the function (url parameter).

Input arguments

Type Name Description
String? url The URL to resolve
Int maxRedirections The maximum redirections to relove. The default value is 10 Redirections
@escaping (String?) -> Void completionHandler Completion handler that will return the result as a optional string


  // add this import
 import AppsFlyerURLResolver
 func didResolveDeepLink(_ result: DeepLinkResult) {
        if result.status == .found{
            URLResolver().resolve(url: result.deepLink?.deeplinkValue, maxRedirections: 9){ res in
                print("The URL is: \(res ?? "nil")")


Method signature

resolveJSRedirection(url: String?, completionHandler :  @escaping (String?) -> Void)

Use this api if you want to perform redirection based on JS. This api extracts the link from the JS code and returns it to the completion handler for forther redirections.

  • nil URL will return nil.
  • Not a vailid URL will return the input to the function (url parameter).

Input arguments

Type Name Description
String? url The URL to resolve
@escaping (String?) -> Void completionHandler Completion handler that will return the result as a optional string


  // add this import
 import AppsFlyerURLResolver
URLResolver().resolveJSRedirection(url: "my-url"){ res in
    print("The URL is: \(res ?? "nil")")

The logs are disabled by default. You can enable the debugging logs by adding true as the argument for the URLResolver() constructor.




URLResolver(isDebug: true)

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When submitting an issue please specify your AppsFlyer sign-up (account) email , your app ID , production steps, logs, code snippets and any additional relevant information.