
This is a complete ride booking app built with ionic4 , It uses google maps cordova plugin, firebase as realtime database and onesignal as notification provider.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

08d95571440929 5bc5b29e6c8c7

Full Support For Android and IOS.

This includes passenger app, driver app and web admin dashboard.

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The Features present in the User app includes;


  • Promo code

  • Chat System

  • Android 7+

  • Ionic 4 and Capacitor

  • Phone Number verification

  • Theme of your choice.

  • Multi-Language Support.

  • Uber Style UI

For the Driver App, these are the features present;


  • 3 Step registration form with all required field capture and validation done to make app ready to go live.

  • Facebook style sliding menu

  • Option to set status online and offline.

  • Support Firebase Real-time for tracking Driver.

  • Support Onesignal notification

  • Auto assigning Drivers for Jobs on the basis of availability of Driver.

  • Support Push messages to driver if app is in background.

  • Calculating Tariff on the basis of Miles + Minutes required to travel.

  • Multi-Language Support.

The Web Admin

Screenshot (17)

  • Built with Angular 7+

  • Clean and Easy to understand Dashboard which display all relevant statistics.

  • View Real-time driver and passenger activity on map.

  • View all Drivers. View all Users. View Flagged Driver and Option to block them.

  • View Flagged User and Option to block users. Option to view all users.

  • Set Prices for Car types. Set Currencies.