OpenGL Building Blocks (oglbb) by Scott Rubin This program is my term project for Computer Graphics 2 This program allows the user to create 3d models consisting solely of cubes. It has many features including zoom, pan, 32 bit color, save and load and more. The gui is simple and self explanatory, I hope. It is made using gtk+-2.0, gtkglext and OpenGL. To run the program do the following unzip and untar the source since you are reading this you must have done this already run "make" run "./oglbb" That's it! This program has been tested and found to work with the following gtk+-2.0 gtkglext-1.0 Solaris 9 Linux 2.6.0 gcc 3.3 NVidia Cg Toolkit Contents of this directory: CHANGELOG - what was done in each version of the program COPYING - The License Makefile - The Makefile RCS - The source repository README - This file *.c, *.h, *.cg - source files oglbb - oglbb executable shader - shader executable samples/*.bmd - example models