
💚 My 3rd restarted homepage using Nuxt.js. Hosted on Firebase with Universal Rendering using Cloud Functions.

Primary LanguageVue

The new Apricitine Homepage: Built with Nuxt3!

This is my third remake of my homepage (the first two were unfinished). This time, though, I have an even bigger tech stack, which makes me feel like a real developer and definitely won't introduce more bugs into my code that I won't be able to fix.


  • Nuxt.js (v3)
  • SCSS
  • Typescript
  • Vue.js (v3)
  • Firebase Hosting
  • Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • (More stuff will probably get added on)


In case for some reason you want to run this site in a dev environment, I've provided instructions on installation. Remember, this is just a pathway for my CI, so some stuff might break.

First, clone the repo onto your local system:

gh repo clone Apricitine/apricite.git

Then run these commands to start the dev server:

yarn install
yarn dev

yarn deploy will run a script I made that manually deploys the hosting and functions to Firebase. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to set up a Github Actions workflow for CI yet because of some weird errors.