
红/蓝队环境自动化部署工具 Red/Blue team environment automation deployment tool

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Red/Blue team environment automation deployment tool


English | 简体中文



  • Visit releases

  • Download via CF Workers

    • wget : wget -O f8x https://f8x.io/
    • curl : curl -o f8x https://f8x.io/


bash f8x -h

Recommended to add to environment variables

  • wget : wget -O f8x https://f8x.io/ && mv --force f8x /usr/local/bin/f8x && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/f8x
    • f8x -help
  • curl : curl -o f8x https://f8x.io/ && mv --force f8x /usr/local/bin/f8x && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/f8x
    • f8x -help

System Dependency

f8x basically doesn't need any dependencies, it is made to help you install various dependencies😁


This script is used to deploy CTF environments (Web、Misc、Crypto、Pwn、Iot)

  • wget : wget -O f8x-ctf https://f8x.io/ctf
    • bash f8x-ctf -help
  • curl : curl -o f8x-ctf https://f8x.io/ctf
    • bash f8x-ctf -help


Deployment of middleware, database

  • wget : wget -O f8x-dev https://f8x.io/dev
    • bash f8x-dev -help
  • curl : curl -o f8x-dev https://f8x.io/dev
    • bash f8x-dev -help


The following options are currently supported by f8x

Batch installation

  • -b : install Basic Environment (gcc、make、git、vim、telnet、jq、unzip and other basic tools)
  • -p : install Proxy Environment (Warning : Use only when needed)
  • -d : install Development Environment (python3、pip3、Go、Docker、Docker-Compose、SDKMAN)
  • -k (a/b/c/d/e): install Pentest environment (hashcat、ffuf、OneForAll、ksubdomain、impacket and other Pentest tools)
  • -s : install Blue Team Environment (Fail2Ban、chkrootkit、rkhunter、shellpub)
  • -f : install Other Tools (AdguardTeam、trash-cli、fzf)
  • -cloud : install Cloud Applications (Terraform、Serverless Framework、wrangler)
  • -all : fully automated deployment (Compatible with CentOS7/8,Debain10/9,Ubuntu20/18,Fedora33)

Development Environment

  • -lua : install lua
  • -nn : install npm & NodeJs
  • -oraclejdk : install oraclejdk
  • -openjdk : install openjdk
  • -python3 : install python3
  • -python2 : install python2
  • -pip2-f : force install pip2 (It is recommended to run with the -python2 option failing)
  • -perl : install perl
  • -ruby : install ruby
  • -rust : install rust
  • -chromium : install Chromium (Used with rad, crawlergo in the -k option)

Blue Team Service

  • -binwalk : install binwalk
  • -binwalk-f : force install binwalk (It is recommended to run if the -binwalk option fails)
  • -clamav : install ClamAV
  • -lt : install LogonTracer (High hardware configuration requirements)
  • -suricata : install Suricata
  • -vol : install volatility
  • -vol3 : install volatility3

Red Team Service

  • -aircrack : install aircrack-ng
  • -bypass : install Bypass
  • -cs : install CobaltStrike 4.3
  • -frp : install frp
  • -goby : install Goby (The client side requires a graphical environment, the server side does not.)
  • -nps : install nps

Docker-based environment deployment

  • -arl : install ARL (~872 MB)
  • -awvs14 : install AWVS14 (~1.04 GB)
  • -mobsf : install MobSF (~1.54 GB)
  • -nodejsscan : install nodejsscan (~873 MB)
  • -viper : install Viper (~2.1 GB)
  • -vulhub : install vulhub (~210 MB)
  • -vulfocus : install vulfocus (~1.04 GB)

Miscellaneous Services

  • -asciinema : install asciinema
  • -bt : install 宝塔服务
  • -clash : install clash
  • -music : install UnblockNeteaseMusic
  • -nginx : install nginx
  • -ssh : install ssh (RedHat is available by default, no need to reinstall)
  • -ssr : install ssr
  • -zsh : install zsh


  • -clear : Clean up system usage traces
  • -info : View system information
  • -optimize : Improve device options and optimize performance
  • -remove : Uninstall some vps cloud monitoring
  • -rmlock : Run the Unlock module
  • -swap : Configuring swap partitions
  • -update : Update f8x
  • -mock : Individual calls to a module


-h View Help

-all Fully automated deployment

Take vultr vps as an example

CentOS 7

Debian 10

Fedora 33

Ubuntu 20.10


What does the -p option do?

  1. Replace your DNS (default is
  2. Check the base compilation environment
  3. Download Proxychains-ng, compile and install
  4. Modify the /etc/proxychains.conf file
  5. Modify the pip proxy to https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
  6. Change the docker proxy to https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn , and restart the docker service


Apache License 2.0

404StarLink 2.0 - Galaxy

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