
Here is my CSE 106 1st java offline codes.

Primary LanguageJava

CSE 108 Java Festival App

The CSE 106 Java Festival App is a command-line based application for managing festival events and student registrations. This application allows you to add events, register students, and perform various festival-related tasks.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To run this application, you need to have Java installed on your system.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone link:

  2. Change directory to the project folder:

    cd cse-106-java-festival-app
  3. Compile the Java source files:

    javac *.java


To run the Festival App, use the following command:

 java FestivalApp "CSE FEST 2023" "2023-07-19" 10

The application will prompt you to perform various actions, such as adding events, registering students, and displaying festival information.


  • Add new events to the festival.
  • Register students for events.
  • View the list of registered students for each event.
  • Display festival information, including event schedules.

File Structure

  • Event.java: Contains the Event class representing festival events.
  • FestivalApp.java: Main class to run the festival app and manage user interactions.
  • FestivalManager.java: Manages the list of events and student registrations.
  • Student.java: Contains the Student class representing festival participants.
  • input.txt: Sample input file for testing the application.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Please make sure to follow the project's code of conduct and adhere to the coding guidelines.