Prerequisites for running the project

  1. Nodejs should be installed
  2. MongoDB shoudl be installed

How to run the project?

  1. Execute following commands:

    cd prerequisites/

    chmod +x


  2. Run npm i to install all the dependencies of this project.

  3. Run node index.js to finally run the project.

  4. To test the APIs, import the "prerequisites/ManushTechCodingExercise.postman_collection.json" file in the "Postman".

API Reference

HTTP Method API URL What it does Sample Request Body
POST /api/v1/users Register { "email": "","username": "testUser2","password": "asdf123" }
POST /api/v1/auth Login { "email": "","password": "asdf123" }
GET /api/v1/menuItems Get all menu items -
POST /api/v1/orders Place an order { "menuItemsList": [{"menuItemId": "6161257a65bf8690dbcff42f", "quantity": 3, "unitPrice": 10.99 },
{ "menuItemId": "6161257a65bf8690dbcff430", "quantity": 5, "unitPrice": 100.99 } ],
"orderLocation": "Lalbagh, Dhaka",
"phoneNumber": "01771855282" }