The Wick Denver Site

Wealth In Community Knowledge, is a community established to fulfill the need for creative arts education, to share the knowledge of sustainability, and to strengthen their community.

Currently, they have a website made with basic knowledge of web development trying to give to their project a place to announce its current state, a way to be in touch and a place to get some donations to support the project.

With the learned in the course, I applied those knowledge to develop a responsive website to help them to communicate their idea in a more concise and attractive way having the basics to grow without the need of modify the html markup every time they want to add new information to an existing section because it can be added dynamically reading from an external resource (json file).

Developing Using Source Files

To use the source files, you will need to have npm installed globally along with Gulp.js. To start:

  • Run npm install in the root directory
  • Run gulp dev and edit the files as needed

If you need to update the plugins included with this template, simply run the following tasks:

  • First run npm update to update the dependencies
  • Then run gulp copy to copy the new versions to their proper destinations