
Intro to callback and why we need callback functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic intro to Callbacks and why we need it

when we have two functions which does some thing and one is depending on other , using callback we make sure that after function1 ,the function2 runs ..by pasing function2 in function1 as callback ........

In this Example

we have two functions function createPost which makes a post function getPosts which takes post and show it on DOM

when we deal with asynch JS we don't know exactly the time taken by any async task , here we mimic that situation...

what happens without callback

when we invoked these two functions so what happens is that here we try to mimic a network request

const posts = [ { title: 'Post One', body: 'This is post one' }, { title: 'Post Two', body: 'This is post two' }, ];

function createPost(post) { setTimeout(() => { posts.push(post);

}, 2000); }

function getPosts() { setTimeout(() => { posts.forEach(function (post) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = <strong>${post.title}</strong> - ${post.body}; document.querySelector('#posts').appendChild(div); }); }, 1000); }

createPost({ title: 'Post Three', body: 'This is post' }); getPosts();

so what happens is that getPosts() fire off before createPosts() so on the DOM we didn't get the third post show......

Now to overcome this issue we will make sure that getPosts() will run after createPost()

In our script we pass a cb into createPost() where we pass our function getPosts() in and get invoked in the createPost() that way we make sure that it will run after createPost()...