
Coq mechanization of "Denotational Semantics for Symbolic Execution" for ICTAC23 submission

Primary LanguageCoq

ICTAC: Denotational Semantics for Symbolic Execution

Coq mechanization of "Denotational Semantics for Symbolic Execution" for ICTAC23 submission.


Main results

  • BigStep covers section 2-3, culminating in Theorem 1: concrete_symbolic_correspondence
  • SmallStep defines and describes the small-step trace semantics of section 4, and
  • Correspondence proves Theorem 2: big_small_correspondence
  • Direct proves Proposition 1 (trace_if_direct and direct_if_trace) and its corollaries correctness and completeness.

Auxilliary materials

  • Expr contains the syntax of expressions, and
  • Syntax the syntax of our toy language WHILE
  • Maps contains definitions and useful lemmas about total maps used to reason about substitutions and valuations
  • Limits contains the use of constructive description to handle non-termination
  • Finally, BigStepExamples contains some examples runs of the big step semantics


The included Makefile (created for Coq 8.16.1) should allow just


To update the Makefile use

coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile