How to build AqlaSerializer?
inethui opened this issue · 11 comments
I want to use AqlaSerializer to replace the .NET binary formatter we are currently using.
It would be very helpful if I can debug into AqlaSerializer's source code. I have downloaded the source code from its github site. The download includes a very short description about the build, which I could not follow. If you can show me some instructions of how to build it, it would be great.
You can use prebuilt nuget packages. If you need to debug the source code please specify what exactly issues you have in following the instructions. Also mind that some platforms are not supported in latest VS or require installing additional SDKs. Though you might not need to build for those platforms at all. And you don't need to build all projects in the solution.
I updated the build instruction, please try to follow it and ask here if you have issues:
I can't answer your question without a reproducable example.
You don't need to use any reflection to call methods inside AqlaSerializer. You can use RuntimeTypeModel
API to configure things.
Don't build whole solution. You should try to build only one project: aqlaserializer.csproj. RunSharp files should be in ..\RunSharp\src\RunSharp
which is D:\AqlaSerializer\RunSharp\src\RunSharp
in your case. You can verify the path from Solution Explorer (RunSharp is in the solution and should be loaded). Also you won't be able build until you generate snk keys.
You don't need to search any SDKs online. When opening the solution VS 2022 prompts to install everything needed, including the proper version .NET Framework.
Please reopen if you need more help
I pushed some changes in an effort to simplify the build process. You should be able to build solution except MonoDroid project after installing everything what Visual Studio suggests and putting PEVerify.exe into the Tools directory.