
Bayesian Estimation of variant effect (from Base Editing reporter screens) with guide Activity Normalization

Primary LanguagePython


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CRISPR Bayesian Estimation of variant effect (from Base Editing reporter screens) with guide Activity Normalization
This is an analysis toolkit for the pooled CRISPR reporter or sensor data. The reporter technique transfects cells with plasmid with not only sgRNA but with the target sequence surrogate which we call reporter or sensor.

Reporter construct


crispr-bean supports the following functionalities.

  • bean-count, bean-count-sample: Base-editing-aware mapping of guide, optionally with reporter from .fastq files.
  • bean-qc: Quality control report and filtering out / masking of aberrant sample and guides
  • bean-filter: Filter reporter alleles
  • bean-run: Quantify targeted variants' effect sizes from screen data.


Full installation

First install pytorch. Then download from PyPI:

pip install crispr-bean[model]

Mapping and data wrangling, without variant effect quantification

pip install crispr-bean

This wouldn't have variant effect size quantification (bean-run) functionality.

Count reporter screen data

bean-count-samples or bean-count maps guide into guide counts, allowing for base transition in spacer sequence. When the matched reporter information is provided, it can count the target site edits and alleles produced by each guide. Mapping is efficiently done based on CRISPResso2 modified for base-edit-aware mapping.

bean-count-samples \
  --input sample_list.csv   `# sample with lines 'R1_filepath,R2_filepath,sample_name\n'` \
  -b A                      `# base that is being edited (A/G)` \
  -f sgRNA_info_table.csv   `# sgRNA information` \
  -o .                      `# output directory` \
  -r                        `# read edit/allele information from reporter` \
  -t 12                     `# number of threads` \
  --name my_sorting_screen  `# name of this sample run`

Input file format


File should contain following columns.

  • name: gRNA ID column
  • sequence: gRNA sequence
  • barcode: R2 barcode to help match reporter to gRNA
  • strand [Optional]: Specifies gRNA strand information relative to the reference genome.
  • start_pos [Optional]: gRNA starting position in the genome. Required when you provide strand column. Should specify the smaller coordinate value among start and end position regardless of gRNA strandedness.
  • offset [Optional]: Specifies the absolute positional offset to be added to the edited position. Useful when you need amino acid translation results for ex. coding sequence tiling screens.
  • target_pos [Optional]: If --match_target_pos flag is used, input file needs target_pos which specifies 0-based relative position of targeted base within Reporter sequence.
  • In order to use accessibility in the variant effect quantification, provide accessibility information in one of two options. (For non-targeting guides, provide NA values (empty cell).)
    • Option 1: chr & genomic_pos: Chromosome (ex. chr19) and genomic position of guide sequence. You will have to provide the path to the bigwig file with matching reference version in bean-run.
    • Option 2: accessibility_signal: ATAC-seq signal value of the target loci of each guide.


File should contain following columns with header.

  • R1_filepath: Path to read 1 .fastq[.gz] file
  • R2_filepath: Path to read 1 .fastq[.gz] file
  • sample_id: ID of sequencing sample
  • rep [Optional]: Replicate # of this sample
  • bin [Optional]: Name of the sorting bin
  • upper_quantile [Optional]: FACS sorting upper quantile
  • lower_quantile [Optional]: FACS sorting lower quantile

Optional columns are not required but can be provided for compatibility with bean-qc and bean-run.

Output file format

count or count-samples produces .h5ad and .xlsx file with guide and per-guide allele counts.

  • .h5ad: This output file follows annotated matrix format compatible with AnnData and is based on Screen object in purturb_tools. The object contains the per-guide allele counts.
    • .guides: guide information provided in input (gRNA_library.csv in above example)
    • .samples: sample information provided in input (sample_list.csv in above example)
    • .X: Main guide count matrix, where row corresponds to each guide in .guides and columns correspond to samples in .samples. Following attributes are included if matched reporter is provided and you chose to read edit/allele information from the reporter using -r option.
    • .X_bcmatch [Optional]: Contains information about number of barcode-matched reads. Information about R2 barcode should be specified as barcode column in your gRNA_library.csv file.
    • .X_edits [Optional]: If target position of each guide is specified as target_pos in input gRNA_library.csv file and --match-target-position option is provided, the result has the matrix with the number of target edit at the specified positions.
    • .allele_tables [Optional]: Dictionary with a single allele count table that counts per guide and allele combination, what is the count per sample.
  • .xlsx: This output file contains .guides, .samples, .X[_bcmatch,_edits]. (allele_tables are often too large to write into an Excel!)


bean-qc: QC of reporter screen data

bean-qc my_sorting_screen.h5ad -o my_sorting_screen_masked.h5ad -r qc_report_my_sorting_screen

bean-qc supports following quality control and masks samples with low quality. Specifically:

  • Plots guide coverage and the uniformity of coverage
  • Guide count correlation between samples
  • Log fold change correlation when positive controls are provided
  • Plots editing rate distribution
  • Identify samples with low guide coverage/guide count correlation/editing rate and mask the sample in bdata.samples.mask
  • Identify outlier guides to filter out


Above command produces

  • my_sorting_screen_masked.h5ad without problematic replicate and guides and with sample masks, and
  • qc_report_my_sorting_screen.[html,ipynb] as QC report.

Additional parameters

  • --replicate-label (default: "rep"): Label of column in bdata.samples that describes replicate ID.
  • --condition-label (default: "bin")": Label of column in bdata.samples that describes experimental condition. (sorting bin, time, etc.).
  • --target-pos-col (default: "target_pos"): Target position column in bdata.guides specifying target edit position in reporter.
  • --rel-pos-is-reporter (default: False): Specifies whether edit_start_pos and edit_end_pos are relative to reporter position. If False, those are relative to spacer position.
  • --edit-start-pos (default: 2): Edit start position to quantify editing rate on, 0-based inclusive.
  • --edit-end-pos (default: 7): Edit end position to quantify editing rate on, 0-based exclusive.
  • --count-correlation-thres (default: 0.8): Threshold of guide count correlation to mask out.
  • --edit-rate-thres (default: 0.1): Median editing rate threshold per sample to mask out.
  • --posctrl-col (default: group): Column name in .h5ad.guides DataFrame that specifies guide category.
  • --posctrl-val (default: PosCtrl): Value in .h5ad.guides[posctrl_col] that specifies guide will be used as the positive control in calculating log fold change.
  • --lfc-thres (default: 0.1): Positive guides' correlation threshold to filter out.

bean-run: Quantify variant effects

bean-run variant[tiling] my_sorting_screen_masked.h5ad --scale-by-acc --acc-bw-path accessibility_signal.bw -o output_prefix/ --fit-negctrl


Above command produces

  • output_prefix/bean_element_result.[model_type].csv with following columns:
    • mu: Mean of variant phenotype, given the wild type has standard normal phenotype distribution of mu = 0, sd = 1.
    • mu_sd: Mean of variant phenotype mu is modeled as normal distribution. The column shows fitted standard deviation of mu that quantify the uncertainty of the variant effect.
    • mu_z: z-score of mu
    • sd: Standard deviation of variant phenotype, given the wild type has standard normal phenotype distribution of mu = 0, sd = 1.
    • fdr_dec: FDR of mu being smaller than 0
    • fdr_inc: FDR of mu being larger than 0
    • fdr: FDR of mu being nonzero (=min(fdr_dec, fdr_inc)) When negative control is provided, above columns with _adj suffix are provided, which are the corresponding values adjusted for negative control.
  • output_prefix/bean_sgRNA_result.[model_type].csv:
    • edit_rate: Estimated editing rate at the target loci.

Optional parameters

  • Run options
    • -o, --outdir: Directory to save the run result.
    • --result-suffix (default: ""): Suffix of the output files.
    • --uniform-edit (default: False): Ignores variable editing
    • --scale-by-acc (default: False): Scale guide editing efficiency by the target loci accessibility. Needs one of acc_bw_path or acc_col that provides per-guide accessibility information.
      • --acc-bw-path : Accessibility .bigWig file to be used to assign accessibility of guides. To read accessibility information from the .bigWig file, input .h5ad file needs chr and genomic_pos column in .guides DataFrame.
    • --fit-negctrl (default: False): Fit the shared negative control distribution to normalize the fitted parameters.
      • --negctrl-col (default: target_group): Column in bdata.obs specifying if a guide is negative control. If the bdata.guides[negctrl_col].tolower() == negctrl_col_value, it is treated as negative control guide.
      • --negctrl-col-value (default: negctrl): Column value in bdata.guides specifying if a guide is negative control. If the bdata.guides[negctrl_col].tolower() == negctrl_col_value, it is treated as negative control guide.
    • --repguide-mask (default: repguide_mask): n_replicate x n_guide mask to mask the outlier guides. bdata.uns[repguide_mask] will be used. This is calculated with bean-qc.
    • --cuda (default: False): Run on GPU
      • --device: Optionally use GPU if provided valid GPU device name (ex. cuda:0)
    • --ignore-bcmatch (default: False): If provided, even if the screen object has .X_bcmatch, ignore the count when fitting.
    • --allele-df-key (default: allele_counts): bdata.uns[allele_df_key] will be used as the allele count.
    • --control-guide-tag (default: CONTROL): (Relevant in bean-run tiling mode) If this string is in guide name, treat each guide separately not to mix the position. Used for non-targeting negative controls.
  • Guide annotations (bdata.guides column keys)
    • --acc-col: Column name in bdata.guides that specify raw ATAC-seq signal.
    • --target-column (default: target): Column key in bdata.guides that describes the target element of each guide.
    • --guide-activity-col: Column in bdata.guides DataFrame showing the editing rate estimated via external tools.
  • Sample annotations (bdata.samples column keys)
    • --condition-column (default: bin): Column key in bdata.samples that describes experimental condition.
    • -uq, --sorting-bin-upper-quantile-column (default: upper_quantile): Column name with upper quantile values of each sorting bin in bdata.samples
    • -lq, --sorting-bin-lower-quantile-column (default: lower_quantile): Column name with lower quantile values of each sorting bin in bdata.samples

Using as python module

import crispr_bean as be
cdata = be.read_h5ad("bean_counts_sample.h5ad")

See the ReporterScreen API tutorial for more detail.