
Golang and grpc and protobufs

Primary LanguageGo

Go and protobufs

This repo is for experimenting various cases with golang, grpc and protobufs.

Stuff explored

  1. Golang protobufs
  2. Simple Grpc client server
  3. Grpc APIs
    • Unary
    • Server Stream
    • Client Stream
    • Bi-directional streaming


  1. Faster than rest over http
  2. Streaming capability
  3. Native http2 support
  4. Scalable
  5. JSONs vs ProtoBufs for serializing data


  1. Just basic proto files
  2. Simple Client server
  3. Simple Unary request/response model
  4. Complex Unary request/response model
  5. Simple Server streaming greet example
  6. Simple Client streaming greet example