This is the homework for the Javascript developer position at Splendex! You have 4 hours to fulfill this task. Please write us when you start and send it back within 4 hours. When you finished please upload your game to github and share your link with us!
You received a stack of cards, so placed them on the “table” faced down. The player will flip two cards face-up, see if they’re match. If it is, then it will be removed from the table, if it’s not then it flips back. The goal is to match all the cards on the table with as few tries as possible.
- Restart: an option to reset the game and randomly reorder the cards on the table
- Set deck size (6 - 20)
- Display the count of the tries
- Show the all-time favorite score on a different scoreboard (use localstorage)
If you have some time left add a nice touch of design for the game!
There’s no preferred framework or library, use what you want to use! Try to answer every question for yourself, you can do it!:)
Good luck!