
Adaptive Radix Trees implemented in Lua for OpenResty

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Table of Contents


This is Lua-Openresty implementation library base on FFI for rax.

Build Status License

This project depends on lua-resty-ipmatcher.

This project has been working in microservices API gateway Apache APISIX.

The project is open sourced by Shenzhen ZhiLiu Technology Company. In addition to this open source version, our company also provides a more powerful and performing commercial version, and provides technical support. If you are interested in our commercial version, please contact us. email: yuansheng@iresty.com .


 location / {
     content_by_lua_block {
        local radix = require("resty.radixtree")
        local rx = radix.new({
                paths = {"/aa", "/bb*", "/name/:name/*other"},
                hosts = {"*.bar.com", "foo.com"},
                methods = {"GET", "POST", "PUT"},
                remote_addrs = {"","",
                                "::1", "fe80::/32"},
                vars = {
                    {"arg_name", "==", "json"},
                    {"arg_weight", ">", 10},
                filter_fun = function(vars, opts)
                    return vars["arg_name"] == "json"

                metadata = "metadata /bb",

        -- try to match
        local opts = {
            host = "foo.com",
            method = "GET",
            remote_addr = "",
            vars = ngx.var,
        ngx.say(rx:match("/aa", opts))

        -- try to match and store the cached value
        local opts = {
            host = "foo.com",
            method = "GET",
            remote_addr = "",
            vars = ngx.var,
            matched = {}
        ngx.say(rx:match("/name/json/foo/bar/gloo", opts))
        ngx.say("name: ", opts.matched.name, " other:", opts.matched.other)

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syntax: rx, err = radix.new(routes)

The routes is a array table, like { {...}, {...}, {...} }, Each element in the array is a route, which is a hash table.

The attributes of each element may contain these:

name option description example
paths required A list of client request uri. The default is a full match, but if the end of the path is *, it means that this is a prefix path. For example /foo*, it'll match /foo/bar or /foo/glo/grey etc. {"/", "/aa", "/bb"}
hosts option A list of client request host, not only supports normal domain name, but also supports wildcard name. {"foo.com", "*.bar.com"}
uris option A list of client request uris, not only supports static uri, but also supports prefix uri. {"/foo", "/bar/*"}
remote_addrs option A list of client remote address(IPv4 and IPv6), and we can use CIDR format, eg {"", "", "::1", "fe80::/32"}
methods option A list of method name. Here is full valid method list: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT" and "TRACE". {"GET", "POST"}
vars option A list of {var, operator, val}. For example: {{var, operator, val}, {var, operator, val}, ...}, {"arg_name", "==", "json"} means the value of argument name expect to json. Here is the full Operator List. {{"arg_name", "==", "json"}, {"arg_age", ">", 18}}
filter_fun option User defined filter function, We can use it to achieve matching logic for special scenes. radixtree will pass vars and other arguments when matching route. function(vars) return vars["arg_name"] == "json" end
priority option Routing priority, default is 0. priority = 100
metadata option Will return this field if using rx:match to match route.
handler option Will call this function using rx:dispatch to match route.


Full path match

local rx = radix.new({
        paths = {"/aa", "/bb/cc", "/dd/ee/index.html"},
        metadata = "metadata /aa",
        paths = {"/gg"},
        metadata = "metadata /gg",
        paths = {"/index.html"},
        metadata = "metadata /index.html",

Full path matching, allowing multiple paths to be specified at the same time.

Prefix match

local rx = radix.new({
        paths = {"/aa/*", "/bb/cc/*"},
        metadata = "metadata /aa",
        paths = {"/gg/*"},
        metadata = "metadata /gg",

Path prefix matching, allowing multiple paths to be specified at the same time.

Parameters in path

local rx = radix.new({
        -- This handler will match /user/john but will not match /user/ or /user
        paths = {"/user/:user"},
        metadata = "metadata /user",
        -- However, this one will match /user/john/ and also /user/john/send/data
        paths = {"/user/:user/*action"},
        metadata = "metadata action",

Operator List

operator description example
== equal {"arg_name", "==", "json"}
~= not equal {"arg_name", "~=", "json"}
> greater than {"arg_age", ">", 24}
< less than {"arg_age", "<", 24}
~~ Regular match {"arg_name", "~~", "[a-z]+"}

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syntax: metadata = rx:match(path, opts)

  • path: client request path.
  • opts: a Lua tale (optional).
    • method: optional, method name of client request.
    • host: optional, client request host.
    • remote_addr: optional, client remote address like
    • uri: optional, client request uri.
    • vars: optional, a Lua table to fetch variable, default value is ngx.var to fetch Ningx builtin variable.

Matchs the route by method, path and host etc, and return metadata if successful.

local metadata = rx:match(ngx.var.uri, {...})

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syntax: ok = rx:dispatch(path, opts, ...)

  • path: client request path.
  • opts: a Lua tale (optional).
    • method: optional, method name of client request.
    • host: optional, client request host.
    • remote_addr: optional, client remote address like
    • uri: optional, client request uri.
    • vars: optional, a Lua table to fetch variable, default value is ngx.var to fetch Ningx builtin variable.

Matchs the route by method, path and host etc, and call handler function if successful.

local ok = rx:dispatch(ngx.var.uri, {...})

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Compile and install

make install

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Install Dependencies

make dev


We wrote some simple benchmark scripts. Machine environment: 9600kf 3.7G CPU.

$ make
cc -O2 -g -Wall -fpic -std=c99 -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast -DBUILDING_SO -c src/rax.c -o src/rax.o
cc -O2 -g -Wall -fpic -std=c99 -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast -DBUILDING_SO -c src/easy_rax.c -o src/easy_rax.o
cc -shared -fvisibility=hidden src/rax.o src/easy_rax.o -o librestyradixtree.so

$ make bench
resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-parameter.lua
matched res: 1
route count: 100000
match times: 1000000
time used  : 0.51699995994568 sec
QPS        : 1934236
each time  : 0.51699995994568 ns

resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-prefix.lua
matched res: 500
route count: 100000
match times: 1000000
time used  : 0.625 sec
QPS        : 1600000

resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-static.lua
matched res: 500
route count: 100000
match times: 1000000
time used  : 0.10099983215332 sec
QPS        : 9901006

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