
A Call Tracking example using the Nexmo Voice API written in Node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Calling Tracking Demo using Node and the Nexmo Voice API

This app used the Nexmo Voice API to demonstrate how a call tracking application could be built.

  • The call is tracked
  • Incoming calls are proxied to a destination number


You will need:

  • At least one Nexmo Virtual Number (Phone Number)
  • The Nexmo CLI installed
  • Somewhere to host this web app, Heroku or Your Local Machine with ngrok both work well


git clone https://github.com/nexmo/node-call-tracking.git
cd node-call-tracking
npm install


Create the nexmo application, using the Nexmo CLI and take note of the application universally unique identifier (UUID):

nexmo app:create demo-app --keyfile private.key http://example.com http://example.com

Rename the config file:

mv example.env .env

Fill in the values in .env as appropriate.

Buy numbers for calls that you would like to track. The following example buys the first available number in a given country by country code.

nexmo number:buy --country_code [YOUR_COUNTRY_CODE]

Link the virtual numbers to the app id with the Nexmo CLI:

nexmo link:app [NUMBER] [app-id]

Update the app to set the webhook urls to be your server instead of the example.com placeholders used at creation.

nexmo app:update [app-id] demo-app [your url]/answer [your url]/event

We recommend using ngrok to tunnel through to your locally running application. In which case the command above is likely to be something similar to:

nexmo app:update [app-id] demo-app https://___.ngrok.io/answer https://___.ngrok.io/event

Where ___ should be replaced with the ngrok.io subdomain you are assigned.

Running the App

npm start

The application should be available on http://localhost:5000.

Using the App

Call one of the virtual numbers that you rented. The call will be tracked and forwarded to the desired destination number.

You can see a list of tracked calls by accessing http://localhost:5000/tracked-calls.