- 0
Can you create a new release so i can import this from ""? pls
#59 opened by tulLazy - 0
compile warn
#61 opened by LonYui - 1
Make module npm installable
#18 opened by kc1116 - 0
strings.slice stored in structs when retrieved and converted into slice yields gibberish when console.logged
#60 opened by 0xJamesBong - 1
Import path is wrong : import "";
#58 opened by ToDestiny - 3
- 3
Warnings when compiling
#23 opened by ohadnav - 1
Issue appeared in remix
#55 opened by terryjiang2020 - 0
Replace and replace all support
#54 opened by ceerlepy - 17
- 0
importing issue
#53 opened by elia07 - 3
Question: Importing the Library
#4 opened by 360disrupt - 5
Unable to import "undefined": Not Found
#27 opened by maroodb - 2
- 0
Function to convert Integer to String
#40 opened by apoorvlathey - 2
support for solidity 0.5.x
#36 opened by chirag-parmar - 2
concatenate three strings
#21 opened by bsollenb54 - 1
DeclarationError: Undeclared identifier
#38 opened by arjun-go-go - 1
Unwanted empty string in split function
#34 opened by samanshahmohamadi - 1
- 0
Error in compare
#32 opened by aleph-v - 3
publish to ethpm?
#8 opened by chafey - 1
no solidity minimum version specified
#9 opened by chafey - 1
Mark eligible functions as pure/view
#19 opened by darob3rt - 0
How to Apply the Apache2 license to a Contract
#24 opened by mudgen - 0
- 0
Feature request: substring with index
#20 opened by tirthb - 0
Reference doc for "rfind" is misleading
#2 opened by christoph2806 - 0
- 3
Error: Library "strings" declared twice
#6 opened by luren5 - 2
Unable to get "join" working
#10 opened by nrchandan - 3
tests fail
#5 opened by kenshyx - 1
Support for solidity 0.4.1
#3 opened by madvas