
Genshin Impact's Hoyolab Daily Check-in Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Genshin Hoyolab Daily Check-in Bot 📜🖋

Genshin Impact's Hoyolab Daily Check-in Bot is here! The concept is simple, run once, run forever. You only need to run it once, then it will continue to run forever (except if you uninstall it ofc tehe)

Demo Gif

Disclaimer: Only works on Windows (Linux & Mac version coming soon!)

Features 🃏

  • Run once, run forever✨ The program will configure itself to run daily according to your localtime's reward claiming time. It will also autorun if your laptop/computer is in sleep mode, and will still run the next time your computer is on if you skipped the server refresh time.
  • If there's no connection, it will wait for a minute. No maximum retry.

Prerequisites 🎯

  • Windows OS
  • Have login to mihoyo's website at any browser (A login for a year is enough)

How to use ✨

  1. Download the newest release (.zip) and extract
  2. Run program and click Yes when prompted. The program needs to be run as administrator to enable scheduling
  3. You can see what's the bot doing from botlog.txt.

Configuration File (v1.1.0+)

  • BROWSER: You can target specific browser to be used for login. Please beware that this program doesn't support account chooser yet, so if you have multiple account you may use a browser you rarely use that only contains 1 account information.
    Currently supported browsers are: firefox, chrome, chromium, opera, and edge. The default is all.
  • SERVER_UTC: Server UTC in each server is different. You can check your UTC in Your Hoyolab Daily Check-in page. The default for Asia server is +8 UTC.
  • DELAY_MINUTE: Sometimes, your PC is some minutes earlier than the server time. If you're experiencing reward already claimed whenever the bot started, please add some delay.
  • ACT_ID and DOMAIN_NAME doesn't need changing. It's only there for futureproof reasons.

How to update 📈

Just overwrite the executable file haha

Development Setup

  1. Setup virtualenv
    pip install virtualenv
    python -m venv env
  2. Install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run main_windows.py as administrator if you want to run the scheduling, or if not use main_windows.py -R

Feel free to open up issues for feature request, bugs, etc. or contribute.