Easily add System.Text.Json serialization support for polymorphic models in C# / .NET 5. Works by generating a JsonConverter
tailored to your class/record at compile-time and attaching it via JsonConverterAttribute
. All you need is a discriminator
property on your base types marked with the new JsonDiscriminator
Since this project relies on Source Code Generation, this project can only be used with C# (not F#) projects targeting net5.0.
dotnet add package Wivuu.JsonPolymorphism
The JsonDiscriminator
attribute can be attached to either a record parameter or class/record property. Once attached the type of that discriminator will be used to find all classes which derive from your base type. Any enum types without a corresponding inherited type will result in a compile-time error.
enum AnimalType
Bird // <- This causes an easy to understand build error if it's missing a corresponding inherited type!
// My base type is 'Animal'
abstract partial record Animal( [JsonDiscriminator] AnimalType type, string Name );
// Animals with type = 'Insect' will automatically deserialize as `Insect`
record Insect(int NumLegs = 6, int NumEyes=4) : Animal(AnimalType.Insect, "Insectoid");
record Mammal(int NumNipples = 2) : Animal(AnimalType.Mammal, "Mammalian");
record Reptile(bool ColdBlooded = true) : Animal(AnimalType.Reptile, "Reptilian");
Serialize and Deserialize with ease!
Make sure to use consistent JsonSerializerOptions
; Currently the discriminator value when deserializing is case-sensitive.
JsonSerializerOptions options = new();
Animal[] animals =
new Insect(NumLegs: 8, NumEyes: 6),
new Mammal(NumNipples: 6),
new Reptile(ColdBlooded: false),
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(animals, options);
var animalsDeserialized = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Animal[]>(serialized, options);
if (animalsDeserialized is null)
throw new System.Exception("Unable to deserialize");
Assert.Equal(animals.Length, animalsDeserialized.Length);
for (var i = 0; i < animals.Length; ++i)
Assert.Equal(animals[i], animalsDeserialized[i]);