Guess My Number
Guess My Number is a small JavaScript project where the user is challenged to guess a number between 1 and 20. The program will provide feedback on each guess, indicating whether the number is too low or too high. If the user guesses the correct number, a success screen is displayed, and the score is recorded.
Getting Started
To get started with the Guess My Number project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine or download the source code.
- Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser.
- Start playing and see if you can guess the correct number!
How to Play
- Open the game by launching the index.html file in a web browser.
- You will see a screen prompting you to enter a number between 1 and 20.
- Enter your guess in the input field provided.
- After entering your guess, click the "Check" button.
- The program will display a message indicating whether your guess was too low, too high, or correct.
- Keep guessing until you find the correct number.
- Once you guess the correct number, a success screen will be displayed, and your score will be recorded.
- You can choose to play again by clicking the "Play Again" button.
A live demo of the Guess My Number project can be found at
The Guess My Number project includes the following features:
- User-friendly interface.
- Randomly generated number to guess between 1 and 20.
- Interactive feedback for each guess (too low, too high, or correct).
- Score tracking for successful guesses.
- Option to play again and reset the game.
Contributions to the Guess My Number project are always welcome. If you have any suggestions or improvements, please submit a pull request. Before contributing, make sure to discuss your changes with the repository owners.