Todolist Web


This is a To Do List web using React Js with Vite. User can add the list what they want to do and also the description for detail. User also can edit and delete to do list

Tech Stack:

  • React JS
  • TailwindCSS
  • NodeJs
  • React Router Dom
  • React Redux



Before proceeding, please ensure you have the following software installed on your computer.

  • Node
  • Git command line tools (Git Bash)

Useful links

  • Deploy (Frontend):
  • Deploy (Backend):

Getting started

Please fork a copy of this repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project. Alternatively download or clone the master branch.

Download & Install Dependencies on your machine

Clone the repo to your machine

git clone

Launch the frontend

  1. Open a new terminal window and navigate inside the 'Frontend' folder as you will need to keep the backend running in the background
cd ../path/to/Frontend
npm install
  1. Run the start script
npm run dev

Launch the backend

  1. Run nodemon server.js
nodemon ./api/server.js