
Bootcamp HW12 - A CLI application to run queries with MySQL package.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

employee tracker



This application aims to create a Content Management System (CMS) for managing a company's employees using nodeJS, inquirer, and MySQL. So that a business owner is able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in her/his company to organize and plan.

acceptance criteria

The codebase achieves the following criteria:

Database Schema

  • department:

    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • name - VARCHAR(30) to hold department name
  • role:

    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • title - VARCHAR(30) to hold role title
    • salary - DECIMAL to hold role salary
    • department_id - INT to hold reference to department role belongs to
  • employee:

    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • first_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee first name
    • last_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee last name
    • role_id - INT to hold reference to role employee has
    • manager_id - INT to hold reference to another employee that manages the employee being Created. This field may be null if the employee has no manager

Build a command-line application that at a minimum allows the user to:

  • Add departments, roles, employees

  • View departments, roles, employees

  • Update employee roles

Bonus points if you're able to:

  • Update employee managers

  • View employees by manager

  • Delete departments, roles, and employees

  • View the total utilized budget of a department -- ie the combined salaries of all employees in that department


Under the link below you will find a walkthrough video that demonstrates; how a user would invoke the application from the command line, how a user would enter responses to all of the prompts in the application.
If the video appears out of focus please hit the space bar twice.


Several screenshots that show the different prompts and displayed data:

alt text

alt text

alt text

## some valuable references

These notes and links are listing some valuable references among others that I used doing this project:









Stephen Woosley - Bootcamp Instructor
Patrick Haberern - Bootcamp TA
Tim Nagorski - Bootcamp TA
Sean Walmer - Bootcamp TA
Alexis San Javier - Bootcamp Tutor


This is an assigment done under a bootcamp program, it is public but please contact the publisher before you use or change any content.


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