
This was created for Memry

Takes an CSV/TXT file in the format:

Challenge Name
Short Name
Challenge Description
Guild ID
Gem Prize
Task Type: Habit; Title; Notes; Difficulty; Start Date;
Task Type: Daily; Title; Notes; Difficulty; Start Date; Repeats;
Task Type: To Do; Title; Notes; Difficulty; Due Date;
Task Type: Reward; Title; Notes; Cost;

tasks of the type Daily can be daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. They have special requirements:
daily, yearly: Repeat Every:
weekly: Repeat On: list of days(lower case) not repeated seperated with commas
monthly: Repeat On: list of days(lower case) not repeated seperated with commas; Select DOM(0) or DOW(1); Days Of Month: list of days of the month seperated with commas; Weeks Of Month: list of weeks of the month seperated with commas

Date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Week days: Monday>m; Tuesday>t; Wednesday>w; Thursday>th; Friday>f; Saturday>s; Sunday>su

and creates a new habitica Challenge based on that data.


You can access the example via Github Pages or put the cfc.js/cfc.min.js file into your own project and access it via the namespace ChallengeFromCSV.

ChallengeFromCSV contains 3 functions:

  • fileParse(file) - Takes CSV/TXT File of input and returns an object containing a challenge and an array containig the tasks.
  • sendData(data, userID, APIToken) - Sends the Challenge and tasks via AJAX to habitica
  • start(file, userID, APIToken) - calls fileParse(file) then calls sendData(data, userID, APIToken) [data being the returned object].

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0