
A Sample app that will read in a specifically formatted Excel file and create a Part BOM structure inside of Innovator.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A Sample app that will read in a specifically formatted Excel file and create a Part BOM structure inside of Innovator.


Always back up your code tree and database before applying an import package or code tree patch!


  1. Aras Innovator installed (version 12.0 SPx preferred)
  2. Aras Package Import tool
  3. Visual Studio

    Note you need to install toolsets: Web& Cloud -> Office/SharePoint development

  4. Microsoft Office Excel

This DLL is used when developing .NET applications or modules. e.g. The Package Import Export Utilities or a custom website that connects to the Innovator Server.

Install Steps

  1. Back up your database and store the BAK file in a safe place.
  2. Open the Aras Package Import tool.
  3. Enter your login credentials and click Login.

    Note: You must log in as root for the package import to succeed!

  4. Enter the package name in the TargetRelease field.

    Optional: Enter a description in the Description field.

  5. Enter the path to your local ..\Excel-Add-In\Aml\imports.mf file in the Manifest File field.
  6. Select ExcelAddIn in the Available for Import field.
  7. Select Type = Merge and Mode = Thorough Mode.
  8. Click Import in the top-left corner.
  9. Close the Aras Package Import tool.
  10. Open the ExcelAddIn.sln solution by path: ..\Excel-Add-In\ExcelAddIn\ExcelAddIn.sln.
  11. Add reference to IOM.DLL
  12. Open file named ThisAddIn.cs.
  13. Change the next fields according to your installed environment: userName, password, database, innovatorServerUrl.
  14. Build solution.
  15. Run file by path ..\Excel-Add-In\ExcelAddIn\ExcelAddIn\bin\Debug\ExcelAddIn.vsto.

How It Works

excel-add-in Part


  1. Open ..\ExcelAddIn\test.xlsx file for view.
  2. Go to "Custom Aras Labs Tab" tab.

    Note: If the "Custom Aras Labs Tab" tab is not present than go to File -> Options -> Add-ins, select 'Disabled Items' for Manage and click 'Go...' button, select "Custom Aras Labs Tab" and enable it.

  3. Click Import BOM Example 1 for sheet named Example1 and Import BOM Example 2 for sheet named Example2.
  4. Log in to Aras as admin.
  5. Navigate to Design/Parts in the table of contents (TOC).
  6. Check if the items from test.xlsx present and check Bom structure according to excel data structure.


Created by the Aras Labs team:

  • Rob McAveney
  • Christopher Gillis
  • Volodymyr Shyshkivskyi