
Adds an action to locate active debug statements in Method items' method_code

MIT LicenseMIT

Find Active Debuggers

This package adds a method and action to locate active debuggers in Aras Method items.


Release Notes
v3.0.1 Updated Usage for v12
v3.0 Adds additional checks to limit false positives
v2.0 Adds support for JavaScript methods.
v1.0 First release. only supports server-side methods. Though built and tested using Aras 11.0 SP7, this project may function in older releases of Aras 11.0 and Aras 10.0.

Supported Aras Versions

Project Aras
v3.0.1 11.0 SP5+, 12.0+
v3.0 11.0 SP5, 11.0 SP7, 11.0 SP9, 11.0 SP12
v2.0 11.0 SP5, 11.0 SP7, 11.0 SP9
v1.0 11.0 SP5, 11.0 SP7



Always back up your code tree and database before applying an import package or code tree patch!


  1. Aras Innovator installed (see "Supported Aras Versions" above)
  2. Aras Package Import tool
  3. FindActiveDebuggers import package

Install Steps

  1. Backup your database and store the BAK file in a safe place.
  2. Open up the Aras Package Import tool.
  3. Enter your login credentials and click Login
    • Note: You must login as root for the package import to succeed!
  4. Enter the package name in the TargetRelease field.
    • Optional: Enter a description in the Description field.
  5. Enter the path to your local ..\FindActiveDebuggers\Import\imports.mf file in the Manifest File field.
  6. Select FindActiveDebuggers in the Available for Import field.
  7. Select Type = Merge and Mode = Thorough Mode.
  8. Click Import in the top left corner.
  9. Close the Aras Package Import tool.
  10. (Optional) Execute the contents of Data\testData.xml in Nash or AML Studio to add sample data to your database for testing.

You are now ready to login to Aras and try out the Find Active Debuggers action.


  1. Log in to Aras as admin.
  2. Click user menu (upper right corner) Actions > Find Active Debuggers.
    1. Click Actions > Find Active Debuggers in the main menu.

The Find Active Debuggers action will display a window with the results of the report. The window will show a list of methods containing an active debugger statement and a search criteria string that you can copy into the Method main grid search toolbar.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

For more information on contributing to this project, another Aras Labs project, or any Aras Community project, shoot us an email at araslabs@aras.com.


Original code written by Mike Ghizzoni for Aras Corporation Support.

Documented and published by Eli Donahue for Aras Labs. @EliJDonahue


  • @mptap
  • @cgillis-aras


Aras Labs projects are published to Github under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.