
This is Clean Architecture - DDD - CQRS - API design - User Management implementation Sample

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Hi friend👋

This repository contains a sample project demonstrating the implementation of Clean Architecture, Clean Code, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles in a user management API. It aims to provide a robust foundation for building scalable and maintainable applications 🔥. Whether you’re a developer looking to enhance your skills, an individual interested in best practices, or someone with constructive criticism or suggestions, this project aims to provide valuable insights. Your feedback and engagement are greatly appreciated!🙏

Feel free to explore the repository and share your thoughts. Let’s make this journey of learning and improvement together.🌟

Tech Stack

Documention: Customized swagger

Server: Asp.net Core 8.0 🚀

ORMs : EF Core, Dapper

Database : MMSQL

Others : FluentValidation, FluentApi, MediatR, Polly,.NET Core Native DI, Scrutor, OAuth2

Design Patterns

DDD technical patterns base on Clean Architecture

Domain Driven Design

Domain Events



Repository & Generic Repository

Inversion of Control / Dependency injection



And more and more in the future...🚀