CRIOS Website

The source code for the CRIOS group website. This is based on the Agency Jekyll Theme, created by raviriley.

Adding to "About", "Group", or "Publications" sections

Adding to "Research" or "Outreach" sections

  • add a new file which describes the project, event, etc to the _outreach or _research sections

  • the top portion, denoted by --- above and below, specifies the content to show when this link is clicked on (title, subtitle, and main image). The corresponding content under "caption:", title, subtitle, and thumbnail specify what the "link" looks like on the home page.

  • text below this is rendered as kramdown markdown, see here for a syntax guide

Instructions to build the website locally

  1. Install bundler if you do not already have it

If you have root permissions

gem install bundler 

otherwise, install locally, e.g.

gem install bundler
  1. Configure bundle and install
bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Note that this install command raises a deprecation warning, but I cannot find how to get bundle to work with a local app (i.e. this website) using their suggested commands (which would be bundle config --local set path vendor/bundle, but then it is unclear how to get the install command to use this directory).

  1. Serve it up

After the above steps are done once, this is all that's necessary to build the website locally.

bundle exec jekyll serve

This will tell you where the website is running, e.g.

Server address:

Navigate to this address in your browser to see the local version of the website. (Tip: localhost is shorthand for, so this website is equivalent to http://localhost:4000)