
Instructions for running openpilot and Carla and trouble shooting for Communication issues.

Instructions for running openpilot and Carla.

Follow the instruction provided to run the comma.ai simulation

Same instrcutions can be found on the PDF above.

Install Drivers and Software The simulation runs on Ubuntu Platform Ubuntu 18 or above is preferred.

Install Docker

sudo apt install curl
curl https://get.docker.com | sh \
&& sudo systemctl start docker \
&& sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo docker run hello-world

Install openpilot and carla

sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/commaai/openpilot.git  (Carla- runner branch is preferred)

CAN_Enable which can be found in this link https://github.com/commaai/openpilot/tree/carla-runner

cd openpilot/tools/sim
Install drivers and start carla
sudo INSTALL=1 ./start_carla.sh 

This should start the Carla(for first time Pulling of required files will happen)

The simulation can be performed in two ways

1 Running the Simulation in Local host of PC with GPU
2 Running the simulation completely in Docker

The First method is preferred which is will work properly rather than running it in docker.

Running the Simulation in Local host of PC with GPU

For running the simulation on PC the following have to be verified \

The Ubuntu_setup file in ‘tools’ folder has to be installed
Compile openpilot by running scons in the openpilot directory
For video demo: https://youtu.be/i394nQOBS2U

For proper functioning of simulation, CUDA, Cudnn, and onnxruntime-gpu have to be installed.
Verify the installations using following commands

•	nvidia-smi ~ This shows the GPU and CUDA version
•	dpkg -l | grep cudnn ~ This shows Cudnn version
•	pip show will show the package version
 eg: pip show onnxruntime-gpu

CAN_Enable If all these are verified then the simulation is will work properly

For running simulation on PC

cd openpilot/tools/sim
sudo ./start_carla.sh

will start the CARLA which will pull required files and run-on Docker (the server can be hosted from the docker or it can be installed locally and configured, here docker is used). This part will be same for both running methods.


Open a new tab in the same terminal



Open the third tab in the same terminal



The screen should appear when this is done CAN_Enable

In the bridge.py terminal press 1 to engage and increase speed
Press 2 to lower the speed
Press 3 to disengage the openpilot

Video Demo: https://youtu.be/_bZ5OLtvbhk

Running openpilot on Docker

Follow the following commands for running simulation on Docker

cd openpilot/tools/sim \
sudo ./start_carla.sh \

This will start the CARLA which will pull required files and run-on Docker CAN_Enable

Open a new tab in the same terminal

sudo ./start_openpilot_docker.sh 


This will start the Commai.ai simulation. Press 1 in terminal to engage. CAN_Enable

Video Demo + Trouble shooting: https://youtu.be/VuEAiAwoTdY

Tips and Troubleshooting

"communication issue between processes"


disable the issue in controlsd.py few lines have to be commended out in the docker container.

The file access in Docker will be little different back tick key (`) will be used for navigating the tabs

CAN_Enable this key is used for navigating

1)	`+0  this command will switch to launch_openpilot.sh tab
ctrl+c to kill process
ctrl +z to stop the execution
ctrl + d to exit the container
2)	`+1  will switch to bridge.py tab
(q) will quit the process
3)	`+c will add new tab (to access controlsd.py)
cd /openpilot/selfdrive/controls
vim controlsd.py            (this will open the file in vim)
4)	Editing file in vim will be different than other editors type the following command in vim shell to comment out the lines 
:201,225s/^/#    press enter – This will comment out line from 201 to 225
:wq    press enter – this will save the file in vim 
5)	Navigate back to first tab and execute the ./launch_openpilot.sh then to second tab and execute ./bridge.py

This will help to remove all the errors like communication error, planner error, and will enable the simulation on Docker. Note: This will not perform the auto pilot properly the car will move and crash. Running the simulation on local machine with GPU will be proper

Carla scene is slow or fails to load in openpilot ui window

Try setting CARLA to the low quality rendering\

Open the file openpilot/tools/sim/start_carla.sh in the ubuntu file explorer on the last line, add ./CarlaUE4.sh -quality-level=Low to the end of the docker command.

It should look like the following:
docker run -it --net=host --gpus all carlasim/carla:0.9.7 ./CarlaUE4.sh -quality-level=Low

Docker service error

Every time the docker has to be closed and exited properly, if not it will throw error CAN_Enable

Sudo docker ps ~ this will list the running dockers images
Sudo docker kill (id) ~ this will kill the running docker containers

Then restart the services again
Video demo: https://youtu.be/ZilLvPYJ06o

Feel free to update additional troubleshooting or instrctions

Thank you