
This was the classification of Network Traffic using 5 features for 10 apps. We created this app using Python and Streamlit and then it was hosted by Heroku

Primary LanguagePython


This was the classification of Network Traffic. We created this app using Python and Streamlit and then it was hosted by Heroku

5 Features :

  • Flow Duration : Duration of the flow in microsecond
  • Fwd IAT Total : Total time between two packets sent in the forward direction
  • Bwd IAT Total : Total time between two packets sent in the backward direction
  • Fwd Packet Length Std : Standard deviation size of packet in forward direction
  • Init_Win_bytes_forward : Total number of bytes sent in initial window in the forward direction

10 APPs : Amazon, Apple icloud, Content flash, http connect, instagram, IP ICMP, ms one drive, Office 365, Whatsapp, Yahoo It was said these app if had >=60% accuracy

This is my link https://net-class10app.herokuapp.com/