
Lightweight Docker image that redirects all web traffic to another domain/URL

Primary LanguageShell


This Docker container listens (by default) on port 80 and redirects all web traffic permanently to the given target domain/URL.

Hint: This repo was forked from https://github.com/MorbZ/docker-web-redirect.


  • Nginx 1.26
  • Lightweight: Uses only ~2 MB RAM on Linux
  • Keeps the URL path and GET parameters
  • Permanent redirect (HTTP 301)
  • Image Size only ~25MB


Docker run

The target domain/URL is set by the REDIRECT_TARGET environment variable. The port may be changed to another port than 80 by the PORT environment variable. Possible redirect targets include domains (mydomain.com), paths (mydomain.com/my_page) or specific protocols (https://mydomain.com/my_page).

Example (Listen on Port 80): $ docker run --rm -d -e REDIRECT_TARGET=mydomain.com -p 80:80 arbarwings/docker-web-redirect

Example (Listen on Port 8080): $ docker run --rm -d -e REDIRECT_TARGET=mydomain.com -e PORT=8080 -p 8080:8080 arbarwings/docker-web-redirect

Paths are retained

The URL path and GET parameters are retained. That means that a request to http://myolddomain.com/index.php?page=2 will be redirected to http://mydomain.com/index.php?page=2 when REDIRECT_TARGET=mydomain.com is set.

Permanent redirects

Redirects are permanent (HTTP status code 301). That means browsers will cache the redirect and will go directly to the new site on further requests. Also search engines will recognize the new domain and change their URLs. This means this image is not suitable for temporary redirects e.g. for site maintenance.

Docker Compose

A sample docker-compose file that redirects any incomming domain to mydomain.com could look like this:

version: '3'
    image: arbarwings/docker-web-redirect
    restart: always
      - REDIRECT_TARGET=mydomain.com

Build the image yourself

$ docker build -t arbarwings/docker-web-redirect:latest .

Source code
