
ADN-OR tree is an n-ary tree used to represent knowledge about groups of tasks to be executed to achieve some goal

Primary LanguageJava


ADN-OR tree is an n-ary tree used to represent knowledge about groups of tasks to be executed to achieve some goal

  1. AND-OR tree has two types of nodes: the AND nodes and OR nodes.
  2. The tasks that are not composed of subtasks are known as atomic tasks.
  3. An atomic task can be in two states: executed or unexecuted. Meanwhile, the status of a non-atomic task depends on the state of their children: if it is an AND node is executed if all child nodes are executed. OR node is executed if at least one of their children has been done.

Task/nodes types and status:

AND-OR Tree example:

The project was developed with a java swing interface.

Java classes:

  1. Tree.java A simple Tree structure, with inorder, postorder and preorder traversal.
  2. AndOrTree.java extends tree and contains the AND-OR Tree structure. The node content is a String.
  3. TreeStructureLoader.java contains the AND-OR Tree uploaded from a file text through a levels route by parenthetical notation. This class is the intermediary between the AND-OR tree and the interface.
  4. TreeWindow.java is a JFrame that contains the canvas where the tree is drawn
  5. TreeCanvas.java is the canvas where the tree is drawn, is a JPanel. AND tasks are represented by an oval, the OR tasks are represented with a rectangle
  6. UIInterface.java the interface...