
LLM parser server in use in Arborator (BertForDeprel)

Primary LanguagePython


Set in production

  • Clone server with submodules
# with ssh (git might ask you to set ssh key for the project)
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:Arborator/arborator-parser.git

# or with http
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Arborator/arborator-parser
  • Install venv as you can (on the LISN machine, we need to set miniconda3 vens)
# if using conda/miniconda
conda create -n parser-venv python=3.8

# if using python-venv
python3.8 -m venv parser-venv
  • Create service for user arboratorgrew (can't use system-wise service as arboratorgrew is not root). The template of the service is at the root of this repo.
ln arborator-parser.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
systemctl --user enable arborator-parser.service
systemctl --user start arborator-parser.service
  • Create service for user Celery app (can't use system-wise service as arboratorgrew is not root). The template of the service is at the root of this repo.
ln arborator-parser-celery.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
systemctl --user enable arborator-parser-celery.service
systemctl --user start arborator-parser-celery.service

Add the nginx server block conf file. Again, it can be found at the root of this repo.

Where are the logs ?

Machine wise nginx log :

# access logs :
sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log
# and error logs :
sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log

User wise service logging :

journalctl --user -f

Status of the service :

# for flask app
systemctl --user status arborator-parser.service
# and for celery app
systemctl --user status arborator-parser-celery.service

Logs of arborator-parser (from root of this repo)

# live tail of the flask logs
tail -f ./logs/arborator-parser.log

# live tail of celery service logs, added to the previous 100 lines
journalctl --user-unit=arborator-parser-celery.service -f -n 100

Production version

  • PORT : 8002
  • Path : /home/arboratorgrew/arborator-parser/wsgi.py
  • PATH_MODELS : /home/arboratorgrew/arborator-parser_models/
  • specific config files : arborator-parser-celery.service ; arborator-parser-celery.service ; arborator-parser.ini ; arborator-parser.nginx.conf ;
  • socket : arborator-parser.sock

Development version

/!\ Don't install the dev server on the same user as the prod server. Indeed, the dev and prod version of celery will collide.

  • PORT : 8001
  • Path : /home/arboratorgrew/arborator-parser_dev/wsgi.py
  • PATH_MODELS : /home/arboratorgrew/arborator-parser_models_dev/
  • specific config files : arborator-parser-celery.service ; arborator-parser-celery_dev.service ; arborator-parser_dev.ini ; arborator-parser_dev.nginx.conf ;
  • socket : arborator-parser_dev.sock
  • It's using the same reddis port as the production server, we want to change that to have each of them using their own instance of reddis.

How to debug ?

First check all the logs mentioned above

Then, check healthyness : On the server, do the following curl :


API doc

If port tunneling to server, you can access to the doc by going on the URL :


To be sure that the server is always running, we added systemctl timer

check the check_server.sh script is correct

it should check the server healthy endpoint, and restart the arborator-parser.service and arborator-parser-celery.service

Make sure the script is executable with

chmod +x /path/to/your/script.sh

add a service in ~/.config/systemd/user

template of the service is in this repo under the name check_server.service. It should point to the correct check_server.sh script

add a timer in ~/.config/systemd/user

template of the timer is in this repo under the name check_server.service. It should point to the correct check_server.service

enable the service and the timer

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now check_server.timer

user services persistency

As we use user services, when the user session scope terminate (can be minutes, hours or days after the user leave the session), the system will stop all of the services of this user.

To prevent this, we set

sudo loginctl enable-linger arboratorgrew

monitoring of the check_server timers/services

check status

systemctl --user status check_server.service
systemctl --user status check_server.timer

check logs

journalctl --user-unit check_server.service
journalctl --user-unit check_server.timer