
Library for fast and lightweight access to Open Document XLSX (Microsoft Excel) files.

Primary LanguageC#


Library for fast and lightweight access to Open Document XLSX (Microsoft Excel) files.

XlsxReader is a .NET Standard 2.0 project without any dependencies (but .NET Standard 2.0 of course), that lets you open and read xlsx files easy and fast, to access its table data directly or as a DataSet (Workbook) or DataTable (Worksheet).

It is not designed for editing purposes, thus you only get a reader, but cannot change the data to write it back into the xlsx file.

If you have any ideas about what this library should also support, feel free to tell me your thoughts or change the code yourself and do a pull request.


The main class is Workbook. Use the constructor Workbook(string filepath) to directly open your xlsx file and generate the appropriate Workbook child elements you want to access.

  • Workbook
    • Worksheet
      • Row
        • Cell

All row and column number indices are 1-based, so a cell of H4 in Excel is accessed as row 4 and column 8 (H = 8th letter).

All lists (of Worksheets, of Rows or Cells) provide an Enumerator, so you are able to browse the data with foreach.

To access a cell directly use row and column numbers, or you may use the "A1" notation. Make sure your adress string consists only of ASCII letters and digits 0 to 9, spaces or other characters are not allowed.