
GWT-Platform (GWTP) Eclipse Plugin

Primary LanguageJava

GWTP Plugin For Eclipse

We're currently updating our documentation: You can find installation instructions at: http://arcbees.github.io/gwtp-eclipse-plugin/

Ask a question at the GWTP google group if you need help.

Basic Info for Contributors

Eclipse SDK http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_extension_development_environment

This project is built using Eclipse Tycho (https://www.eclipse.org/tycho/) and requires at least maven 3.0 (http://maven.apache.org/download.html) to be built via CLI. Simply run :

mvn install

The first run will take quite a while since maven will download all the required dependencies in order to build everything.

In order to use the generated eclipse plugins in Eclipse, you will need m2e (https://www.eclipse.org/m2e) and the m2eclipse-tycho plugin (https://github.com/tesla/m2eclipse-tycho/). Update sites to install these plugins :

##Thanks to Arcbees.com

