
Build instructions?

branflake2267 opened this issue · 6 comments

Does anybody know how to build this?

Can we set up a CI server?

We may try to update the project to use maven.

Also, it may be better to use other place for our update site:


  • I just created a maven-build branch under my fork.
  • Eclipse plugin development is new to me.
  • The maven pom.xml is mainly generated by Tycho.

That's a good question Brandon, I'm not used to Eclipse plugin development and the one that started this plugin isn't working on it anymore...

We are hosting the update site on github for the eclipse plugin so it is possible.

Eclipse Update Site:

I think it would be great to update the eclipse plugin to use m2e pom.xml and setup the GWT environment and get rid of the jar dependencies.

I'll come back and add build and development instructions sometime today. I had to figure this out and forgot to document it. :)

Issue resides in Jira.