
"GWTP Basic" project creation fails. Nothing in workspace.

slugmandrew opened this issue · 12 comments

Using a fresh install of Eclipse Kepler and all dependencies on Windows 7.

After entering the package and project names, "GWTP Basic" was chosen on the second dialog screen. On clicking Finish, the dialog closes and nothing else happens.

Other projects are being created successfully.

Thanks for reporting, I'll take a look tonight to see what is going on.

Added to internal Jira and I've started investigating.

I've checked tonight and was able to create a project on win7. (I'll get the layout fixed for that os shortly too.)

Yesterday I updated the Archetypes including basic and I tested project creation with the GWTP Basic archetype and it worked for my environment. I was wondering if you could double check the plugin version to verify its 1.1.3.alpha by going to install new features and click on already installed? And I wanted to ask if you could try a creating a project anytime to see if a unique artifactid would change anything, or press on 'hint' and to the artifactid something like '-myproject1' and see if that works. this would help me drill it.

In the mean time I'm going to add some more error checking and some more logging.

Just checked it and it is 1.1.3.alpha. Pic attached of my installation details.


I did try with my own artifactId and everything first time round, then because that failed I tried the defaults and that didn't work either. Just tried again with the artifactId you suggested but still nothing.

I'll try reinstalling the plugin if you like and see if that makes a difference? Just wondering if it is now stuck on that one project type because something made it fail the first time.

Let me know anything else I can do to help.

Thanks for the screen shots. I appreciate having you look more and give some info :). I'm new at getting debugging output from eclipse.

Do you have m2e core installed? If not, try downloading it.

Just to confirm can you check your workspace directory to see if it created the project and didn't import it?

And if you want to quickly try again another clean install try downloading kepler Java EE and only install the GPE 4.3 plugin, and see if that works. It comes with git and m2e ready to go. This could help narrow down what I need to tell Eclipse todo. Since I'm new many configs can exist, and I'm trying to drill the dependencies and stuff. :)

I have an update with more error debugging I added last night that I'll aim to release tonight, should be 1.1.4.alpha, which could give more insight into the issue.

My windows kepler java ee install snippet screenshots:
screen shot 2013-07-24 at 8 19 28 am
screen shot 2013-07-24 at 8 18 45 am

I've updated to 1.1.4.alpha, warnings should appear if exception occurs.

I can confirm 100% that no project was ever created in the workspace. My first thought was that it might just not be imported but that's definitely not the case.

Going to try the 1.1.4.alpha and if that doesn't work I'll do a fresh install of the EE version of eclipse today and report back.

Oh, as for m2e core... I don't know. I have "M2E - Maven Integration for Eclipse" v1.4.0 installed so I think so.

Sorry, I'm still very new to maven and even eclipse really.

When I filter plugins for "m2e":


Fresh install of Eclipse EE, installed GPE, installed GWTP plugin, got this error (the same one I got on the old setup):


As I mentioned before, I don't really need this archetype anyway so don't rush for my sake - just trying to help out. Will try the GWTP+GAE+Objectify archetype later when I'm back in the office.

Thanks so much for reporting. That is more help to so and I'm happy you took the time to give me more information :) Do you know if you have a mirror or different repository setup? At some point I'm going to deploy the archetypes so there no longer snapshot so that might be the trick.

It's really not a problem. You do some much work on things I use so I'm more than happy to help :)

Not sure what you mean by a mirror repo but I doubt it. I don't use maven myself apart from the few times I've toyed with it so it would have just been the default setup.

FWIW the other archetypes I've tried all work fine.