
Multiplayer top-down shooter released as free software.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Build Status Appveyor Build Status License: AGPL v3

An online shooter with ridiculously fast dynamics.
Forever free and open-source ❤️

Download for:

(for older versions click here)


Hypersomnia is a fast-paced top-down arena released as free software, with an aspiration to one day become an MMO with elements of RPG.

Set in a hypothetical afterlife reality, it shall provide joy through altruistic behaviours, fierce fights, exploration, fulfillment of elaborate social roles or sowing panic as a traitor to benevolent ones.

Declare allegiance to one of the three factions whose apple of discord is a disparity between prevailing notions of moral excellence. Metropolis. Atlantis. Resistance.

See the game's wiki to get familiar with the universe.
To understand the repository's folder structure, make sure to read the documentation.


Watch gameplays on YouTube:


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

How to build

Currently, Hypersomnia is only buildable using clang both on Linux and Windows.
Additionally, your operating system must be 64-bit.

The project's CMakeLists.txt contains clauses for both MSVC and gcc,
so in the future, it might be possible to build the game under these compilers if they catch up to clang.

Irrespectively of the OS, you will need the following software in order to build Hypersomnia:

  • The newest CMake.
  • git to clone the respository and later generate version information.
  • ninja to carry out the build.
  • LLVM toolchain version 8 or newer.
    • For Windows, you can use this installer, or a newer one.
    • For Linux, use your distro-specific package. Make sure to install libc++ and lld as well.
    • For MacOS, the version that comes pre-installed with Xcode is good enough.
  • OpenSSL needed by the auto-updater to download latest game binaries over HTTPS.

Once dependencies are installed, go to the directory where you wish to have your Hypersomnia project downloaded, open git bash and paste:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/TeamHypersomnia/Hypersomnia

The --recurse-submodules is necessary to clone the submodules as well.

Wait for the download to complete. Next steps depend on the platform you are on.

On all platforms, you can choose among three building configurations:

  • Debug - the fastest to build and provides debug information.
    Recommended for day-to-day development.
  • Release - No debug information. Use only for production builds. Specifies IS_PRODUCTION_BUILD=1 C++ preprocessor define that disables assertions in performance-critical areas.
  • RelWithDebInfo - Same as Release but with debug info and with many assertions ("ensures") compiled-in. Preferred choice for testing the developed game while full speed is required.

Windows instructions


  • Visual Studio 2019 Preview (Community) or newer.

Open up the terminal. Setup the environment:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Preview\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64

If the file cannot be found, you might need to look somewhere else for the vcvarsall.bat that comes with your particular Visual Studio installation. Another possible location is:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Preview\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64

Next, run these commands:

cd Hypersomnia
mkdir build
cd build

Note: your computer might start lagging heavily for the duration of the build as ninja will use all available cores for compilation.

If you intend to develop the game, it is best to use "Debug" configuration for the fastest builds.

If you want to somehow customize your build, e.g. disable certain game features, refer to the beginning of CMakeLists.txt to see which options you can pass to the cmake command.

If the game builds successfully, issue this command to launch it:

ninja run

If, for some reason, some step fails, refer to the latest working Appveyor build and the relevant appveyor.yml file.

Linux instructions

Current platforms are actively tested and supported:

  • Arch Linux with i3 window manager.
  • Ubuntu, but it is tested only through Travis builds.

Distribution-specific dependencies

Arch Linux:

  • pkg-config
  • libx11
  • libxcb
  • xcb-util-keysyms
  • mbedtls
  • libsodium


  • libxcb-keysyms1
  • libxcb-keysyms1-dev
  • libxi6
  • libxi-dev
  • alsa-oss
  • osspd-alsa
  • osspd
  • libasound2
  • libasound2-dev
  • libmbedtls-dev
  • libsodium-dev

One-shot launch

Once the dependencies are all set, this is the complete script for building and launching the game from scratch, with RelWithDebInfo configuration:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/TeamHypersomnia/Hypersomnia
cd Hypersomnia
export CXX=clang++; export CC=clang;
cmake/build.sh RelWithDebInfo x64
ninja run -C build/current

Detailed instructions

Use your favorite shell to enter the repository's directory. Then run:

cmake/build.sh [Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo] [x86|x64] ["ADDITIONAL CMAKE FLAGS"]

For example:

export CXX=clang++; export CC=clang;
cmake/build.sh Debug x64

After which, the resultant build.ninja should appear in the build/Debug-x64-clang directory.

Example for gcc:

export CXX=g++; export CC=gcc;
cmake/build.sh Debug x64

After which, the resultant build.ninja should appear in the build/Debug-x64-gcc directory.

Invoking ninja

There are several additional ninja targets defined:

ninja run

Launches the game normally.

ninja tests

Launches unit tests only and exits cleanly.

The above targets set the working directory automatically to ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/hypersomnia.

If, for some reason, some step fails, refer to the latest working Travis build and the relevant travis.yml file.

If the game fails to launch, it should automatically open a log file with the relevant message using $VISUAL executable.

Editor integration

If you plan to use the Hypersomnia editor on Linux, you might want to follow some additional configuration to make the experience better.

Opening and saving files

The Hypersomnia editor can choose directories for opening projects and saving them.
On Windows, this is accomplished through an IFileDialog.
Needless to say, such a class does not exist on Linux.
Hypersomnia provides shell scripts for common file managers in hypersomnia/scripts/unix/managers.
You'll need one for choosing a directory and one for revealing files in explorer.
cd to hypersomnia/scripts/unix and, assuming you want to use ranger as your file manager, create symlinks as such:

ln -s managers/choose_directory_ranger.zsh choose_directory.local
ln -s managers/reveal_file_ranger.zsh reveal_file.local 

The framework also supports calling scripts for opening and saving files,
though the project does not use this functionality yet:

ln -s managers/save_file_ranger.zsh save_file.local
ln -s managers/open_file_ranger.zsh open_file.local

None of the symlinks will be tracked by git.

Currently, the following file managers are supported:

  • ranger through --choosedir, --choosefile and --selectfile options

To implement your own script for choosing a directory:

  • Use a $TERMINAL variable for file managers that need a terminal to run on.
    Ensure your terminal supports -e flag that passes the commands to launch on startup.
  • Output a $PWD/cache/last_file_path.txt file containg the result - which is the chosen path, e.g. /home/pbc/projects/my_map.

MacOS instructions

WARNING: Building for MacOS is a work in progress! The window framework has yet to be ported.

Generally, to build for MacOS, you can follow the instructions for Linux. Here are the things you need to know beforehand:


  • Xcode 11.1 or newer

Additional dependencies

  • mbedtls
  • libsodium


To build, run from the repository's directory:

cmake/build.sh Release x64 -DBUILD_WINDOW_FRAMEWORK=0 -DBUILD_OPENGL=0 -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl

Note that the path to OpenSSL library must be set explicitly.


Pull requests are welcomed, should they even be typo fixes, missing const guarantees or changes in nomenclature. If you however plan to add a completely new feature, create a relevant issue so that everybody knows about it, because the project is continuously in a very, very active development and may undergo a revolution when it is the least expected.

For documentation, please make sure to read the wiki to learn about the game and the source code.

You will be added to TeamHypersomnia organization once at least one of your pull requests is accepted.

If you have questions or you fail to build Hypersomnia, create an issue. Or if you just can't wait to utter some brilliant ideas with regard to the game, please do so, too!